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65 Funny Christmas Sayings for Cards | Best Christmas Quotes

Christmas is the festival of happiness, fun and presents and much more. You might receiving wishes via mails and texts and it has become common now-a-days. But, sharing cards is something different as it portrays your wish with beautifully printed view over it. So, if you are heading to send cards for this Christmas and want to give it a humorous funny touch, you need to add funny sayings or quotes over it. Therefore, this post is entirely dedicated to funny Christmas saying for cards.

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Funny Christmas sayings for cards

Christmas celebration can’t be completed without proper humor and decoration. Your kids might have planned to do something for decorating house; therefore, here are the simple Christmas craft ideas for kids. So, to make this Christmas funny and memorable, grab these funny Christmas sayings for cards.

  • Santa Claus has the right idea. Visit people only once a year.
  • The real Santa Claus is at the mall.
  • One of the nice things about Christmas is that you can make people forget the past with a person.

Funny Christmas Sayings for Cards

Funny Christmas Sayings for Cards

Funny Christmas Sayings for Cards

  • One of the most glorious messes in the world is the mess created in the living room on Christmas day. Don’t clean it up too quickly.
  • From a commercial point of view, if Christmas did not exist it would be necessary to invent it.
  • There has been only one Christmas, the rest are anniversaries.
  • I stopped believing in Santa Claus when my mother took me to see him in a department store. He asked for my autograph.

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Why the funny Christmas sayings for cards :
Well, everybody knows a saying could be motivational, funny and sometimes sad, depends on the mood and occasion. Now, it depends on you, what and how you are going to celebrate the x-mas eve. Just imagine, you receive a card and when you open it you find a funny quote or joke over it, how would you feel or react that moment. Undoubtedly, the ROFL moment and huge laughter dose will come to you and obviously you would like to share it with other people and friends.

  • For Christmas, my wish is for Santa to get a treadmill so he can fit down my chimney! Merry Christmas.
  • Christmas: The only time of the year where it’s acceptable for someone to break into your home. Merry Christmas!
  • Christmas is much like a greedy corporation: You work your buns off to make money, shop ‘til you drop, and some fat guy at the top still gets all the credit! Merry Christmas anyway.
  • Going green this Christmas means Santa better leave me lots of cash under the tree! Merry Christmas, I hope yours is green too!
  • For Christmas, I want whatever Frosty is smoking!

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  • Here’s to enjoying Christmas until we receive the bills next month. Cheers and Merry Christmas!
  • Merry Christmas, don’t jingle your bells too hard!
  • Some businessmen are saying that this could be the greatest Christmas ever.
    I always thought the first one was.
  • You can feel a real let-down after Christmas.
    Especially when all you have to look forward to is your New Year’s resolutions.

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