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9 Tips to Boost up Your Breast Milk Supply

They don’t call it milk but life-saving nectar. Ever since you started breastfeeding to your little bundle of joy, how often do you think as if you’re producing low milk which is not enough for baby. Indeed, you might be deadly worried about this issue and looking for lactation consultant but before you head to him, just try out these below given tips to boost up your milk supply. The thing is- not all mothers can produce same amount of milk as it depends on many factors of you and your baby as well. Yes, be with us and we’ll guide you to overcome this low-supply doubt if it’s an actual problem with you.

Tips to Boost up Your Breast Milk Supply

Wait! Are you sure that you’re not making enough milk or you do? Yes, you need to doubt this question first, so in order to confirm, do watch the baby’s weight, indication in poop and mood swings as well. And if you find something inappropriate or not-healthy signs try out these hacks first.

Check the latch:

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Yes, maybe you’re productive and it’s your baby who doesn’t latch properly so can’t drain the supply effectively. Hence, use your nipple to tickle baby’s mouth so he can open it wide and make sure to insert breast up to areola.

Breast compression:

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This has to be done slowly and gently so as to put pressure on milk glands and, would eject more milk. You need to make a cup with thumb and fingers to compress your breast so as to squeeze it, make sure to do this when baby stops sucking.

Switch nursing:

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Ok, once the baby starts sucking to one breast he might go down to the sucking speed after a certain time period. So, do switch nursing by switching from one breast to another after 4-5 minutes gap. This would pump up and get the baby sufficient milk in that time interval.

Offer both breasts but when baby gives the sign:

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Now, watch the baby’s signs i.e. when he sucks regularly and vigorously allow him to suck as this is the time when he’s getting required milk. But when you find him adjusting or pulling off mouth from nipple which indicates that he’s not getting the same amount of milk now, you better offer him second breast.

Increase the number of breast feed, especially, when you got twins:

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Yes, this is very effective and experts advice to all dear mothers. You may want to feed baby for hours but this consistency won’t keep the flow of same amount of milk. So, feed your baby for 20-30 minutes then a gap for 2-3 hours then repeat. And in case you got twins, you better try this method.

Shatavari herb:

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Your doctor may suggest you a diet plan but Ayurveda has something dynamic for you. Shatawari (Asparagus racemosus) herb can cure hundred diseases. You can get the capsule from medical store or make a shatavari shake your own at home to increase the quality and quantity of your breast milk. Apart from that this will protect baby from various diseases as it’d enhance the immune system. 

Warm massage your breast:

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The thing is milk supply is via ducts and sometimes, actually many times, just because of busy lifestyle ducts on breasts got blocked so they don’t eject enough milk. But, gentle massage with your hands can unblock those ducts to keep the milk flow proper. Here, this is one of the most helpful and strongly recommended tips to boost up your breast milk supply.

Take care of yourself:

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No matter how hectic is your daily life schedule; anyhow, it’d affect your mood and health. Milk production is actually depends on how your lifestyle is and how is your physical and mental condition. So, stay fit, eat healthy and do meditation to live stress free life and this is the key. And here are few remarkable food items for kids for mental and physical growth. 

Consult a lactation doctor:

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Before you go to medication or other things which might heard of from any friend, make sure to consult your family doctor or a lactation expert.

Hope, you’re taking good take care of your newborn baby. And we contributed these tips to boost up your breast milk supply for the sake of motherhood and mother and baby’s health. Do let us know your views and expert suggestion in comment section. Happy breastfeeding!

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