40 Easy Art and Craft Ideas for Kids for School
Kids love to do things which make them happy either it’s making sand-home, paper-boat and so on. At this stage they learn with play that’s how now-a-days, parents want their kids in play schools. In schools, kids do practical projects like drawing, painting, art, and craft. Yeah! By drawing the imaginative pictures a kid is actually enhancing his/her brain work-ability. If you are not sure about it, you better see why kids should learn drawings. Moreover, if your kid got school projects and still looking for ideas then this post is for you. Here, you’ll get easy art and craft ideas for kids for school.
Easy art and craft ideas for kids for school
These art and craft ideas are quite simple and easy to make so the kid can do by own hands will surely love them. The raw material could be anything that you can find out at home easily, all you need is just ideas and that’s all are here.
DIY Plastic cups Snowman:
DIY Penguin:
DIY Drums:
Paper craft:
DIY pirate hat:
Family tree:
Grab a blank drawing sheet, draw a stem of tree and branches in accordance with family members. So, color few cards and cut them in any desired shape and write the name of family members or paste pictures over them and then paste these over branches. It should be on the top of the list yes, apart from creativity and craft work teacher would love to see the intention of kid behind making family tree.
Apple Notecards:
Yeah, you should have an apple for making this. You need to cut apple in two slices and pour down few drops of red color. Now, put down the sliced apple piece on color in a way that slice’s size and shape must be printed on sheet. Make sure the seeds should be there in apples so as to get realistic print on sheet. Wait for some time and let the sheet dry and it’s done.
Rainbow fish:
isn’t looks alike shining fish of glowing rainbow? Gather the raw materials such as; Google eye or button, glue, colored sheet and a CD. Well, just make tail of fish and attach it to Cd with glue and let it dry to stick properly and permanently. Now adjust the fin and tail of fish throughout the CD and in the end place a Google eye or shirt button.
Mini Friendship Notebooks:
Kids would love craft this idea, because it’s about friends and friendship, moreover, this craft makes them to gift this work to their friends. Just get the notebook of desired size, glue, scissor, ribbon and anything you need to decorate it. Now cut the colors sheet according to book and cover it over book. Now after drying it you can decorate it in your own way.
Airplane Clothespin Craft:
All you need is just clothespin, sticks, scissor and foam so as to craft your airplane. First, cut the sticks to make wings and then stick them to the clothespin with foam and it’s done.
Soda bottle Flower Stamping:
One of the simplest art activity that a kid can perform with just a bottle and color. Here, get some water color in plate or bowl so bottom of the bottle just get colored and let’s start stamping on sheet.
Pencil Holders:
Everyone would love this creativity as kid always have to place pen, pencils and eraser safely at same place. Get a plastic glass and decorate it as much as you want, depends on your creativity. You can use colorful sheets, stickers, images over it.
Watercolor leaves:
This is a recommended activity as it’s just basic for trying with water colors. It includes cutting and painting. Draw leaves on sheet and cut them out from paper or you can first cut paper in leaves form and then draw, and now color them and after drying just paste them over blank sheet.
Paper plate owl:
If you got paper plates, glue, pens and scissor then it would take just few minutes to make this one. As shown in picture just draw lines as fur and fold the plate and add buttons as eyes and it’s done.
Cheery Spring blooms:
Get few egg boxes, colors and buttons to craft this beautiful creation. After cutting the strips you can paste the egg boxes over end point of strips and it will look like spring blooms.
Lolly stick animal bookmarks:
Aww! How beautiful is it, isn’t? First, you have to just paint the lolly sticks with desired colors and then add pattern over them. Now just paste the buttons or Google eyes over sticks and get ready to enjoy with stick animal bookmarks.
Colored flowers:
Yes, these are real flowers but are colored so as just need colors and your creativity. Just dip down the flowers in water color and let them dry for a while.
Pet rocks:
Now, this one is pretty much about kids’ pet. Get some rocks and stones of small or big sizes and paint them all with different or same colors and add google eyes on them.
Bottle cap snowman:
Yeah! Grab some bottle caps and put some marks as eyes and face expressions behind caps. Now, tie up three or four caps together so as it looks like snowman.
Do you ever think of making lantern by plastic glass and light (battery votive light) in it? Isn’t so easy and cool?
DIY Easter eggs:
This must be the best DIY for kids, for Easter festival. Get the eggs or plastic eggs or even you can get circular shaped rocks and paint them with colors or decorate with shining sparks.
Remaining list of easy art and craft ideas for kids for school are:
Paper flower:
Milk jug lunchbox:
Pencil box:
Easter home decoration:
Telescope craft:
DIY Necklace:
Handband craft:
Bottle cap DIY:
Rubber band DIY:
Hand art tree
String art:
April craft ideas:
Wooden house:
stick art and craft:
DIY letter box:
Bread art paper:
Thanksgiving DIY:
Easy art and craft ideas for kids for school can be performed and practiced at home with parents. However, we have shared these ideas but your valuable views and DIY suggestions and ideas will be entertained for sure. Till then, enjoy with these cool and amazing ideas.
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