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12 Easy DIY Backyard Games that kids will Enjoy for Sure

Backyard is the new playground for our little champs! Since it’s safe and secure to see kids playing in house and by doing so you are actually creating an environment to make your home a blessed heaven. What exactly you do when you find your little stud feeling boring and pessimist? Cmon! Get up and call them to join you in backyard games which they have never played but would love to try on. Yes, these easy DIY backyard games will leave you nothing but with the healthy and happy moments.


Easy DIY backyard games

Parents, never drop such moments when you can make a friendly and strong bond with your kids. And easy DIY backyard games are one of them so leave everything you are up to do for some time and cherish the relationship with kids. Once you noticed your champ’s interest in art and craft work, let them try with these ideas.

Yard Twister to twist mood:



Mommies, this game is real fun and you don’t have to worry about stuff or things to make it happen. After deciding the location on ground all you have to use marking paint or whatever you already have in store room. Now, choose the color to touch by legs and hands and let the kids twist their bodies and mood. Playing this game ensure your kids a flexible body and active personality.

Bowling recycled bottles and cans:



Let your kids have the million dollar arm! How? Of course, grab the used bottles or cans from kitchen you are about to through out of kitchen and paint them all with any catchy designs and lay them on each other or horizontally. Now, decide who’ll go first?

Bean bag toss:



Want to enhance your kid’ focus and patience? Once you prepare the arena for this incredible focus needing game little champions will show you how much focused they are naturally. As this game needs a certain point of patience and focus to drop or hit the target in one chance.

Pool Noodle Hockey:



Set up can be super easy just by putting two yard stakes in battle ground (yes, once the game starts) and leave them few inches above the ground so the kids can hit the goal.

Potato sack game:



One of the famous and tough games that ever known to the world of games. From couples to adult, toddlers to teen anybody and everybody love this game. Daddy, you got to join your kids this time.

Hula Hoop for everyone:



I won’t believe if you say you have not heard of this interesting and funny game. It seems easy moving hula hoop but is not at all, try it and know it.

Balloon dart game:



Yeah! Balloons are my favorite too! Set up a board and hang some colored balloons on it now hit the balloons but you got to decide which one you are going to blast.

Pull the rope:



More players you have, more funny the game will be! Just a one rope and make two teams of kids and let them show what ‘strength in unity’ means.

Cup race on wire:



Kids love water games! Load the water gun and hit the cup with intense watering and let’s see who makes the cup moving faster.

Ladder golf game:



Each rung should be assigned with the points from low to high. Players got to play turn by turn and in last, count points to declare the winner.

Pool Noodle race track:



Unstoppable wheels on racing track! Sounds cool, eh? Prepare the race track with pool noodle and bring your kids the little cars and let’s roll.

Water balloon ball:



Best game to beat the heat in summer season. Make two teams of players and through water balloon meanwhile noticing time, once the time’s up, let’s find out the least dry player, declare him/her winner.

Easy DIY backyard games are not only for kids but the parents as well, they should kids too to nurture the relationship and love. Let us know your feedback about the games we shared and we always appreciate the suggestions from our readers so do not forget to drop us your favorite game ideas. Have fun!

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