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30 Easy Tree Painting Ideas that look Absolutely Stunning

Paintings are a kind of stress-buster. And those who paint, know this very well. Starting from the time when you conceptualize what to paint till the phase when you stand back and look at the finished art, everything offers pleasure to the heart and soul. Although painting is difficult and not everyone can just pick a brush and craft a masterpiece, it’s not really scribbling with the brush that is difficult. The most difficult part, according to ace painters as well as amateurs, is the phase of conceptualization. Staring at the blank canvas doesn’t conjure spontaneous ideas in an artist’s mind, nor does brainstorming for hours. What helps artists come up with amazing concepts is the inspiration. Yes, get inspired by things around you to bring them onto your canvas. Although there are many popular subjects that painters hold close to their heart, there is something special about trees. And if it’s Easy Tree Painting Ideas that you are looking for then you can check out the list below-

Easy Tree Painting Ideas

Easy Tree Painting Ideas

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Paint a barren tree for some gothic charm

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Easy Tree Painting Ideas include the composition of barren trees against the horizon. Although it might seem like a stupid idea to pain barren trees, the finished work looks surreal.Try some famous pablo picasso painting and art pieces.

Tree and a swing painting

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People often look for Easy Painting Ideas. But sometimes, the pursuit of ‘easy’ lands them with boring subjects. But a tree and swing painting is not just easy but also pretty interesting. When you look at this painting, your mind ends up deciphering it in hundred different ways. Sometimes, it might seem pleasant, and at other times, the painting might ooze out a sense of emptiness.Have a look on breathtaking jamini roy painting that every art lover should see.

A colorful tree painting

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Use as many colors you can for the leaves and flowers of a tree, and keep the trunk looking real with shades of brown and black, you will get an enviably beautiful painting. Such paintings are great to be mounted on the wall of your drawing room, especially if you want to showcase your talent.

Birch tree painting

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Out of all the Easy Painting Ideas we know of, this is probably the easiest. In fact, it has become a completely new genre of art because of the ease with which a birch tree painting can be created. All you need is some sense of color and some precision in the matter of holding your brushes. Why we say so is because birch tree trunks don’t quite resemble a typical tree trunk.

A spring tree painting for all its grace

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Can there be anything more beautiful than a spring tree? Perhaps not! Spring trees remain laden with flowers so beautiful, that they don’t even look real. And that is probably the reason why painters are head over heels in love with spring trees. If you thought spring trees are difficult to paint, then you couldn’t be more wrong. With colorful dots alone, you can create a beautiful spring tree.

Moon peeping through branches

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Although it is one of those Easy Painting Ideas you must have seen at art galleries and people’s living rooms, there is great fun in trying out this composition yourself. Easy and interesting!

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The entries in the list above are definitely Easy Painting Ideas. But these Easy Tree Painting Ideas are much more than just being easy. They are soothing to the eyes and offer a great deal of calmness to your stressed-out mind. Besides, paintings created on these Easy Tree Painting Ideas will make for some amazing home décor. So, what makes you ponder? Pick up your brush and get painting!

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