
How to Spend a Pocket Friendly weekend with your Family

After a productive yet hectic schedule for a week, how do you spend your weekend? Well, some of us would love to have peaceful rest and full-on spicy food with lots of calories, while some of us might plan to watch movie or shopping. Meanwhile, all this mess do you have plans with your family since it’s been a week you, your wife and your kids all belong to the office, school, and gym. Yes, spending a quality time with your family costs you nothing but get you priceless and memorable moments to cherish relationship. Therefore, let’s discuss how to spend a pocket friendly weekend with your family.

How to Spend a Pocket Friendly weekend with your Family

How to Spend a Pocket Friendly weekend with your Family

Just remember Monday is coming again and don’t worry if you don’t want to spend bucks and intend to celebrate a pocket-friendly weekend with your family. However, it’s not only about spending time with your family on weekend only but you can do that daily.

Go into nature:

No gadgets, no phones, no video games or even fishing, when you’re adamant about going and looking deep into nature. Find the picnic spot or greenery near your location so that you can enjoy the silence and peace of mind together with family.

Play with the balloons:

Kids are really fond of balloons and your wife as well. And it’d be a great idea to play with the balloons, moreover, buy a colorful balloon for each member of the family since buying few balloons is also pocket friendly. Indeed, you’re free to hit your wife and kids with balloons and this would end up with you nothing but laughter to the stomach-ache.

Sun rising view:

Though it’s your weekend and you got plans for the evening but why wasting time when you have so much of it. Pack some fruits and water and go to the beach with your family. Being a parent you can give your kids a life-lesson while admiring the sun-rising view.


So, you got a tent and weekend morning or evening? Gather your family including pet and hit the location near hills or park. Now, you got a lot of things to do, i.e. play with your pet, tell stories to your kids and take enormous photographs for the family portrait.

While planning for campain, don’t forget to pick the most required and best quality equippments for that. And when we talk about camping tools, hatchet holds the top position because, it only help you to cut something but during steep climbings, it help you to make to grip and so much more. You can find out more about the best hatchet for camping.


Dedicate this day to your kids, let them play in the mud, water, and dirt, in short, give them the freedom to play with you in garden meanwhile teach them the benefits of gardening and its healthy aspects. Despite your muddy clothes and dirty hands, you can consider backyard games to play.

Craft something big:

Ahan! That might get you excited as it’s going to be lots of fun plus amazing family time and ultimately with a creative and useful craft. Now it’s up to you whether you want every member to craft something individually or craft one project which you make together.

Cook something together:

Weekends are not meant to eat outside food instead try a new recipe or pizza for your kids. Apart from that ask kids to make the salad for lunch with a decorative touch. This will yummy activity will bring your family together to create new memories so that you can nurture your family and relationship.

Visit orphan home:

It’d be a sure shot hit for your kids! Take kids to orphan home and with some used clothes and toys that they want to share with them. And make sure to tell them that these kids live without parents yet love each other’s company. Nothing would be more learning for you and your family as compared to this experience.

Now, it’s your turn to tell us about how to spend a pocket friendly weekend with your family. Drop us your ideas and experience if you had any. Be a family!

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